Clyde Sponsorship


Birthday: Unknown (guesstimated by vet 10ish)
Parents: Unknown

Breed: probably a quarter horse mix (maybe some Arab)
Coloring: Bay
Acquired: Sue picked up Clyde on the side of the road, she knew about him and had met him. He was rescued by the Immens through Brunswick County Animal Control with the help of neighbors. The owner was not able to care for Clyde, and relinquished custody.
Temperament: Very sweet and gentle and trusting

Facts: He's a real sweetie....a blind sweetie. He was determined to be totally blind upon a vet exam (moon blindness was obvious in right eye). Neighbors and interested parties confirmed that Clyde used to be ridden by a child. Is the poster child”for a blind horse (moves very slowly and cautiously, extends his head and neck). Clyde is kept in a special paddock with just a few trees designed to keep him safe, and has padding on the supports of his shed. He has an elderly pasture mate who does not make him run (Bonnie and Clyde) ♥

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